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business literature





books for business administration (BWL)


my favourite : Direct from DELL

At the age of twelve Michael Dell earned $2000 selling stamps, and by the age of eighteen he was selling customized PCs from his dorm room. He went on to found one of the most successful computer businesses in the world, redefining the industry with his direct model process and pioneering customer support. Direct From Dell teaches you how to get to the front of the pack and stay there. Michael Dell shares his perspectives on: - Why, initially, it's better to have too little capital rather than too much - How studying customers, not competition will give you a greater competitive edge - Exploiting the Internet - Dell sells an amazing $10 million-worth of systems per day over - Why your people pose a greater threat to your business than the competition - How to exploit the competition's weakness by exposing its greatest strength - How integrating vertically can make the difference between surivival and collapse Revealing nothing less than a new model for business in the information age, Direct from Dell is both a success story and a manifesto for revolutionizing any industry.

Direct from Dell  




Bild   What ever your feelings on reengineering (dramatic process improvement or excuse for downsizing payroll) Hammer and Champy reinvigorate the topic for the new millenium in this clear revision. Learning from their mistakes (they move process to the front instead of radical in their four word description), they reintroduce the goal of making major gains in reducing wasted work and time. Their case studies read as a list of comeback stars in corporate America and show that great strides can be made and do pay off. Just as Six Sigma is trying to reengineer TQM for a new economic reality, this book once again brings process improvement to the forefront of business management conciousness.
Reengineering the Corporation : A...  
Bild In ihrer scharfsinnigen Studie offenbart Naomi Klein die Machenschaften multinationaler Konzerne hinter der Fassade bunter Logos. Der von ihr propagierte Ausweg aus dem Markendiktat ist eine Auflehnung gegen die Täuschung der Verbraucher, gegen menschenunwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen, Zerstörung der Natur und kulturellen Kahlschlag. Durch ihre Demystifizierung verlieren die großen, global agierenden Marken an Glanz und Macht - zum Wohle aller.Marlboro verkauft nicht Zigaretten, sondern Freiheit;... --> Das Buch ist sehr gut geschrieben und absolut interessant geschrieben.
No Logo.  
Bild Das Buch beschreibt Gründe und Stufen des internationalen Marketing. Auf dieser Grundlage wird anhand zahlreicher Beispiele ein Konzept entwickelt, wie internationales Marketing in einem Unternehmen geplant und verwirklicht werden kann. Dabei stehen die Analyse der Unternehmenssituation und der Umfeldsituation sowie die internationalen Unternehmensleitlinien im Mittelpunkt.
Internationales Marketing. Entwicklung...